Open and Affirming Statement




"… in Christ there is no longer Jew or Greek, bond nor free, male nor female, for all are one…" Galatians 3:28 


In the spirit of Paul's words in Galatians 3:28, we celebrate and give thanks for the diversity all creation, recognizing that each of us is created in God's image and are beloved of God. We believe that the church is called to confront discrimination, to oppose violence and to advocate for human rights for all people. We deplore the continuing injustice of institutionalized discrimination, instances of senseless violence and denial of human rights based on sexual orientation. With this declaration we remember God's promise spoken through the prophet Hosea:

I will show love to those who were called unloved
and to those who were called "not-my-people"-
I will say "you are my people,"
And they will answer "you are our God."

On March 18, 2001 we declared ourselves to be an Open and Affirming congregation and solidified this decision in our by-laws. Since then, we have welcomed people of every age, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual or affectional orientation, physical or mental ability, and economic status into full participation and membership at Immanuel UCC for more than 20years. We encourage all members to participate and share their creative and spiritual gifts in the worship, work, and witness of the congregation. Full participation includes: 

1. The celebration of Weddings for LGBTQQIP2SAA+ couples.
2. Service as teachers for Christian Education classes and leaders of youth activities;
3. Participation in all committees and service in all offices;
4. Equal consideration for all employment opportunities.

We believe human sexuality is God's good gift. We affirm committed relationships and partnerships founded on mutual trust, respect, responsibility, nurture, and love. As followers of Christ we seek by this affirmation to be faithful to his commandment, "love one another as I have loved you." John 15:1